Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 14 Living my dream..even in a struggle

While I was crafting and moving furniture and things were moving along I was working on a drop leaf table and it dropped onto my right wrist. Yes I am right handed. There was no way I could paint or craft now. Sometimes when you are chasing your dream things don't go the way you have planned.
But the good news was things were coming together, it was looking pretty good and in six weeks my cast would come off. The problem, my sale was 5 weeks away. But God is good and I began doing the things I could with my left hand and my family helped more. Life is not a narrow, straight road. It winds and curves and turns when you least expect it but that is when you lean on your faith.
  Tomorrow is the ribbon cutting ceremony for Vyntage Barn. My dream is so close now. I am spending the day working on the porch of my building and getting things organized. My business opens in 4 days and my dream for it will continue and change as my business grows!

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