This is one of the trees in the living room. I just love it for a change. 2 of the 3 kids love it too..now that's not bad!
My vintage Christmas theme is coming along. I have most of the decorations up and out of the boxes but I had too many quilt wall hangings...some of them were my very favorite ones but I just don't have the wall space to put them all up. Now where did I hang them last year?
Things here are eternally busy. I have a few boxes to carry to the basement and I need to sweep the back porch so I can put up a few new decorations but it is so cold back there....in the twenties and I just keep shivering and well....I will sweep later..LOL
I am going to make up a Thanksgiving menu today so everyone knows what to bring and then...I am meeting my sister for a hair cut. She is nervous but the beautician is good so she needs to calm down....it will look great.
Then I really do need to sweep....I like to sweep..did I say it is just too cold. I have to meet dh at his place of work so one of our cars can get worked on so I am feeling like a taxi and not getting much done.
Well, I am back from all that running around and meeting the dh and the hair appointment...now I am waiting for dd to get home so we can go visit my mom since it is her bday today and I want to stop over and wish her a happy day. I already gave her a present so I think I will pick up a little cake on my way.
Well, I think I will get ready for bed since tomorrow will be a long day. So until next time, be blessed.