My wonderful childhood friend passed away this week. She was one of those people who always looked for the good in people. I don't believe I every heard her say a mean word....and I have known her since first grade.
Ruth,(Weaver), was a girl that hung out at my home throughout high school. No, she had a wonderful mom and dad, she hung out because we had such fun together.
When I went off to college, she went to work in a factory and although we didn't live far apart, we didn't talk often. When I would run into her it was just like old times and we would laugh and talk about all memories and new families.
Ruth had been battling breast cancer that had spread throughout her body. I knew she was sick, I knew that things didn't look good...but I was praying for healing...I was praying for what I wanted to happen. God had other plans for her.
She is leaving behind a husband and 13 year old daughter...they will miss her so much...and so will I.
I knew that if I ever needed anything, she would be there without question...a true lifetime friend. There are many broken hearts over our loss...prayers that were answered in unexpected ways. However, I know she is now pain free living with Jesus in her new mansion, waiting for her family and friends to join her... I miss her already. May God bless and keep your family while you are gone.... With fond memories, Dianntha
Dear Dianntha~I am so sorry for your loss. Your friend sounds like a wonderful person. I will pray for her family and you too...as you walk this difficult journey. May it give you peace to know she is in heaven...
Her family, you, and friends are in my prayers and thoughts that you find comfort in knowing that she is at peace and no longer suffering.
God Bless You,
So sorry to hear of the lost of your dear friend...prayers for you and her family..
Prim Blessings..
I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Peace to know that she suffers no more.
Dianntha Sorry, so sorry, I know the pain you are suffering, but your friend is no longer suffering. I Hate Cancer. It seems to take those that are good people and would not do no harm. Linda
Dianntha, I am very sorry to hear about your friend..truly sorry...I know your friend is smiling down on you and all the fun you had together..you are so right she is in a better place and is happy and healthy once again..The hard part is the grieving part..you will be in my prayers as well as her family...I love your blog and am adding you to my favorites..thank you for stopping by..Oh and I made the sheep stitchery into a pillow..it is on my shoppe site..:) great minds think alike..
I'm so sorry for your loss. Remembering you in our prayers at this difficult time. I hope you find comfort, knowing she no longer suffers.
I am so sorry Dianntha - I can feel your hurt! I just lost a dear childhood friend this past fall from a blood clot after a simple surgery.
And we had the same relationship.
Big hugs,
Dianntha - So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. She indeed sounds like a wonderful person. Keeping you and her family in my prayers.
Dear Dianntha...I'm very sorry to learn of your friends passing....she sounds like she was a special person....may she rest in peace...hugs, Linda
So sorry for your loss, Dianntha! Ruth sounds like a wonderful friend. I know you will miss her but I hope your fond memories will bring a smile to your face whenever you think of her. I will pray for you and her family, especially her daughter.
oh I am so sorry for yor loss. I have a best friend since school 35 years now and I know how I would feel to lose her. She also had cancer and so far cancer free. Thank God. Holding you in my prayers.God Bless
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