Monday, October 27, 2008

Reindeer cross stitch complete

I found the materials and finally finished the framing today. I hung it in my bathroom...yes bathroom. My entire bathroom becomes a winter wonderland in November so why not start just a little early! This is not the first Christmas item I have out. My dept.56 North Pole village is out also...and that is just the beginning.
This morning we had about an inch of snow when I left at 7am. I actually had to scrape my windows. If I had thought to get a picture...I was too cold to even consider that.LOL Of course it turned to rain and now just cloudy so maybe that is the end of the snow until December 24th...maybe.
I also picked up a cute little snoman block set. It looks so cute on my window sill...I will post a pick of it tomorrow. Until then, be blessed.


Carolyn McNeil said...

I LUV your reindeer! They look great!
An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…

Gettysburg Homestead said...

That is so cute!!! Great Job!


Meggie said...

Beautiful cross stich project, Dianntha! I'm sure it looks great in the bathroom.