Friday, March 22, 2013

Facing Life With Tough Choices!!

Sometimes it's good to take the time to keep things real so while I was looking at my silver set I was thinking about all the things that are going on in my life. I know we all have a story and we all go through periods of testing. Right now I am being tested. I have lost my Mom and my Dad and I miss them desperately. But at the same time that they passed away I also lost my sister, niece and nephew because of greed and control. How sad when you see your sister, who had been your best friend, turn into a stranger. It makes you evaluate what is important in life. For the first time in my life I now understand that the love of money is the root of all evil.
 My Mom was always about people. I have decided that I too will be about people and not money and control. I will not waste my time on this earth fighting when I can spend my life with family who loves me..laughing and growing together.
 Right now my sister is fighting to try to control me and my birthright. But I guess she doesn't know me at all because I will sell it all just to be free of her. My Dad would be sad to know that she was the reason his empire came to an end, that she destroyed what he worked his whole life to build. My other siblings were so excited to each own a farm and we had such wonderful plans but all our plans and dreams are destroyed because of her need to try to control us and feed her greed. 
  So, we will sell, we will be free of her and she can find her happiness in her greed.
  Nothing will bring our parents back and nothing can mend what she has done. But, I can be free and that is just what I am going to free to be who I am without having to look over my shoulder to see what she is plotting and planning. I will shake the last dirt of my fields off my feet and walk away...into freedom.

  I don't want you to think that this is the end...oh no..this is a new beginning. New relationships and if you missed my announcement earlier, I will be starting a new and exciting venture very soon. And dear friends you will be with me the whole way through. I will begin sharing all the details very soon.So be of good cheer, I have so much planned!
And when I get the dust off of me I will share it all!


marly said...

You're a better person than I am. I would never let someone's greed ruin my plans and dreams and legacy. I'd let them go broke with attorney fees while it consumed their lives. Yep. You're a better person than I!

Tolentreasures said...

Hang in there, that can be so hard. Sad to see what your parents worked for tossed aside. but in the end, it is only "Stuff"
Take care.


ohiofarmgirl said...

Thank you both! It is very difficult not to want to take revenge on her but that why I think it is a test for be who I say I am.
And Cathy, you are right, it is only stuff and my Mom always spent her energy on people and I know she would not want me to be tied to her in this situation. Dianntha

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, how sad what happens to family's over greed.....breaks my heart to hear this about you and your Sister.....but you have to do what makes you happy, life is to short.....Be with the ones you love, Francine.

Joy said...

I am saddened yet inspired by your post. You are one strong lady with the spirit and attitude I'm sure your parents would be proud of. You will be able to hold your head high and move on. Wishing you the best.

Joy said...

What did I just read "followers" are going away? What to do...I've been away far too long?

Prims By The Water said...

I have seen this greed so many times with friends and family, that I know wat you mean. It is so sad that folks have to be greedy, but I say they will get there's in the end. Stay strong my friend and good things will come your way! Janice

Diane said...

I am so sorry.....just keep your head up and be strong, and dont let it get you. Hugs your way...Diane

ohiofarmgirl said...

Thank you so much for all your thoughts! I am so sad for what has and is happening...but I am moving forward. Dianntha

Beehive Needleworks said...

My heart goes out to you Dianntha in this very unsettling time. I shall send love and peaceful thoughts your way, and look forward to reading of your "new adventure."

Old Time Cindy said...

Wishing you the best and sending farmhouse hugs,

On Crooked Creek said...

It seems this happens in nearly every family. I'm so~o~o sorry to hear that you, too,have become a victim of sibling greed. Know that I will be praying for you to stay focused on what lies ahead, forgetting what is behind and find inner peace with new JOY in all you do!!! Time is a great healer!!!
Thank you for your sweet comment and visit today!!! Our SNOW is quickly melting us the much needed moisture we desperately need here on the Prairie!!!
Look forward to seeing you as a regular On Crooked Creek, dear one!!!