Well, yesterday was a hectic day...very tiring and stressful...but we did get much accomplished. We had a man here who started to dig out the old foundation of that old building that we have been cleaning up. I never dreamed there would be so much cement to deal with. When you have the right equipment it makes things go so much more smoothly. I wanted to share a few snaps of our site as he dug everything out. a And then one of thre site cleaned up/actually I think I posted the backwards.
It was hot...maybe high 80's but the humidity was high too so I ended up with a su burn on my face even though I was outside after 4pm so I didn't think I needed sun screen. We did have more trouble with our neighbor while we were working but I will not even give that situation the time of day on my blog since he seems to be
only interested in causing problems for us. I am praying that the Lord will change his heart or that he removes him as a problem for us.
Anyways, after 6 hours of sweat and labor most of the rubble has been removed..my dad used the cement for one of his waterways so it went to good use and we were happy to be done with it.
Our new buildings should be arriving very soon and I am so excited. I will take lots of pics during the construction but I promise I won't share all of them. LOL
I am having a restful Sunday because I know this week will be wild but in a good way I hope. Take care and until the next time be blessed.
What a big job! I can hardly wait to see your new building...things are moving forward very quickly.
Oh, your pool looks so inviting and Dino looks like fun...what a fun celebration for your daughter. Happy Birthday to her...it's looks like she had a great one.
Hi Dianntha, I pray that neighbor leaves you alone too...sorry about that...
LOVED catching up on all your posts, the vacation pics are nice..I love History..and your DD is now 15. They grow like weeds don't they?
You have been one busy bee,,,I hope you are taking time to relax.
Can't wait to see photos of the construction and finally of the buildings.
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