Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sanding and staining complete...makeover continues!

 Well, the sanding is complete...the staining is done...and it was a lot of work. I decided on red oak stain mainly because it matches the stairs at the end of the hallway and eventually when the hallway carpet is gone it will match seamlessly!  There is dust to be swept and a little more staining to complete. There are a few areas that I believe I am going to apply another coat just to darken a little but other than that my staining is done. but it did dawn on me that my daughter needed to learn how to remove the corner varnish and to stain so I did not complete the closest. I thought this would give her a chance to learn the she thrilled no...but isn't that our job as parents to allow our children to learn how to do things for themselves???( home school mom speaking)
  I would love to put a coat of poly on today but alas it is Sunday and I am going to rest!!!
 I have to say that my behind is sore from sitting on that floor staining...sore to the I guess I don't have as much padding back there as I thought!
 Tomorrow morning I will poly and another coat in the afternoon...if all goes well the final two coats will go on Tuesday. By the end of next week we should be full stream ahead...on to another project. I will keep you updated on this!!!!


Janet - underthewillow said...

I love the shade of stain you used Dianntha! looks beautiful!


Shakerwood said...

We are still waiting to sand and stain. Have a few loose ends to tie up before we start but we did put down red rosin paper to protect the floors.

Here's hoping for the best the next few days!

Gettysburg Homestead said...

I just LOVE the color you picked Dianntha. Can't wait to see everything when you're done.


Blu said...

You've picked a stunning shade of stain!

Gumbo Lily said...

I LOVE the deep red oak stain. Hooray for getting near the finish line!
