I wanted share the pics of the two new nativity sets that I got this year. This one I reeived for Christmas from my sister. She surprised me with this adorable set. I don't have any that look like it or even similar so I was very happy with it.

I am planning on putting out my nativity sets this week. I have been walking around the house to see where they will actually fit. I think I will put away my Christmas village in the bathroom and place them on the shelf there. When I put them away I will have to decide whether to put out my Dept. 56 Dickens village or my Dept.56 Santa village that is there now...or...welll you get the picture. LOL
This nativity I found on the sale rack and it was so unusual that I decided to add it to my collection. I think this is the only after Christmas thing that I actually bought that was Christmas. I has a wonderful cinnamon smell too.

I November my camera batteries died and I starting using my daughters camera. Well, today I finally replaced my batteries and I found my lost pictures! My dad brought over his sprayer and decided we were going to clean the sideing on the side of our garage. You can see that he is wearing a heavy coat but he was determined to finsih this job before he went to Florida. So Dad, if you are reading, here are the pictures of the last job we did this year. It has been a busy and productive year.

I am still working on my blessings list so here are a few more. My sister gave me some unwanted carpeting they had in their basement for our rental...what a blessing that was.
We spent most of the day on Christmas with my other sister and her family. The drive was sunny but there were snowflakes just floating in the air, like a movie. It was easy travel and pleasant company.
I am thankful for my new buildings because without the help of my parents we could not have pulled down the old building and we couldn't have finished the new ones either. The buildings are wonderful and I am truly blessed for all the help.
I am also blessed to have my family with me on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Things are hectic and people are tired but together we were...what a great time we had.