I received the Primitive Excellence Award from http://simple-needs.blogspot.com/ Thank you Kim....
There are rules for this award so here they are.
1.) Copy and put the Award Logo on your Blog.
2.) Add a link to the Person who awarded you.
3.)Nominate 7 blogs who haven't received the award yet.
4.) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5.) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!
Here are my seven and as you all know this is so hard to do:
I know that I am suppose to nominate 7 others but for you that qualify for this prim award please feel free to go ahead and put it on your blogs and nominate others!!! Thanks a million.
Hey Girl~~~
Yep, I am the blonde and my hubby has the goat-tee!! The dark-headed guy and the gal with the long dark hair is a bff!! Those are my kids Ashleigh(15) and Zachary(14)! They keep me soooo young!! LOL!!! WE were relaxed we all were at the lake for the day!! They live in California, and were home for a visit!! Miss her already!!! :(
Many Blessings.......
Lori Hull
Congratulations on your well deserved award!
I've been behind on my blog reading lately...been busy with that kitchen! I do have some prices together for you and will email you today. I've been calling around to get the best shipping option and price.
Have a great day!
Congratulations on your award Dianntha, and you are a real sweetheart for sharing it with everyone too! Wishing you a lovely day!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
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