Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Piece for the New Year!

Happy New Year.
 I have an order on a piece of furniture so I decided to prime this one while my primer was open.The other piece is a present so I can't show that one but I will after. As far as this one, I love it. I think it will be so beautiful when it is done.I pried the decorative pieces off the top drawer because they were broken but I don't think they are needed since the other detail is so strong!
 I have not decided on a color as of yet so if you have a suggestion let me know! I do have something in mind. I am hoping to get paint on the other piece tomorrow and then I have to finish my craft room.
  Before I broke my wrist I was so excited to get it done but I have lost my excitement now it just seems like a job!!!! Maybe once I get started and I start to remember what I was doing then I will get excited again.
  There is always work to be done so for today I will close and again, color selections are welcome!

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