"When we react to the drama it doesn't get us anywhere"...Laura Munson.
I saw her interviewed this morning and I thought this statement is so true. I have not read her book nor have I ever even heard of her before but this statement, well, it rang in my ears.
I live in a family full of drama that never ends. My siblings have had issues for almost 30 years. Someone is always mad, upset, not speaking, spreading lies or twisting the truth....and I have had enough.
I think this statement really is so enlightening. I have disengaged from the drama by choice. I think you do have a choice, whether you are the person causing the drama or the person that seems to be the brunt.
You must make a decision to disengage from what you have always known and step out in faith that it is wrong and very destructive. Once I decided to disengage it is like starting down a new hiking trail. There is the unknown, the bumps and the beauty of making it to the end of the hike..success.
Now, I am not saying I have made it to the end of this journey...no,no,no...it has only been 11 months since I separated myself from the drama. There are many more hurdles..we still share parents..I still have nieces and nephews that I miss. But this is real life not tv. There are consequences when you make decisions. You have to decide what you can and can't live with and what you are willing to sacrifice to get there. The truth is...it isn't pretty...it isn't fun...living in a family full of drama is stressful, tiring, and it steals your life....I have regained myself as I have lost ones that I love...I have found myself and I am not going back.
I am focusing on my children, my husband, my parents and the one sibling(and her family) that still speaks to me. I am okay with that.
We all make choices and I have made mine. Does it sound harsh??? If you knew what I had been through you would wonder why I put up with it for this long. If you still think I am being harsh...you have the right to your own opinion.
I feel like it has been a long season of winter...but when I saw spring well forget winter....Ya baby...renewal, rebirth...new start.
Thank you all who are my followers...if you have made it this far..thank you. I am remaking my life and I am happy you are here! If you are in a situation like mine...run..don't walk....away from it...it will be painful but the rewards are worth it. Recapture your life and cherish it...we are not promised tomorrow, but we have today.