I wanted to give you an idea of the project I was telling you about...the hand applique' class. This is the basket of flowers that I think is so cute. This pattern could easily be turned into a wool pattern or a punch needle projcet too. I have about half of it stitched down and on the right I have some of it pinned in place and some is still missing. I am hoping to finish it really soon....then I will move on to something else.
We have continued our quest of finishing up our rental property and as of 11pm last night it is done, well at least the inside is done. The outside needs a light and a few other things but that is for dh to work on. I am nearly exhausted putting in three weeks of hard labor. Did I mnetion that rentald are no fun!!!!
I also made a trip to our near-by town and signed up for classes..Ohio State brancn campus. I will be taking two classes in the spring quarter, and a total of 5 this summer. That will be 20 quarter hours and then my teaching license will be good for the next 5 years. Now that will feel good to have that done. This is probably the last time I will renew and that is good too. lol
Today we spent the morning at a piano contest...our youngest is quite the piano player. She figures on getting two trophies, we will know on Tuesday. If she does I will proudly post a pic of them.
My parents are due home from Florida at the end of March. Last year my dad worked on our new buildings all summer and by the time he left I was so very tired and I haven't caught up yet...so dad...we can not work as hard this year because I am still tired!!!!lol
Well...think I will come to visit all you friends in blog land so until next time, be blessed.