Oh Ladies, I've had a busy day and got acutally nothing done. I did four loads of laundry, filled the dishwasher, took my daughter to the library then to get her braces tightened. Next I made chilli for the crock pot and some zuch. bread and headed to a town 40 min. away for my doctors appointment. I did return a pair of jeans for my dh because I picked up the wrong size. On the way home I rememebered that my mother was helping her sister paint the living room so I stopped by and rolled 3 of the 4 walls for them. Finally, I returned home...and like I said I actually got nothing done today...and I quess that is okay but I like to make my days productive and I feel like a did a lot of nothing today.
I normally walk each morning but somehow my morning slipped away and it didn't get done but I guess I can walk a little extra tomorrow to make upo for it. I have been counting my steps each day...I have been getting between 12,ooo-15,ooo each day. I think I should be able to do better than that so I may start my morning with a little extra walking and see what that does. I hope you had a better day...at least our weather is wonderful...I can smell the dryed leaves in the air. Isn't it heavenly?
Dianntha: Sounds to me like you got lots done. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Hay girl! you need to go back and read this post. Man that was a very productive day!
Bread looks yummy.
Wow, painting walls probably burns more calories than walking. If this is your idea of getting nothing done, I'd hate to see you after a few cups of coffee, LOL!
Geewizz...I would have been down for the count after the first 2 tasks you complete. Chili is our traditional Halloween Night Dinner too!
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