Wow, we have been so busy. We have three college age girls staying with us for a week. They are the Encounter Team and we have been enjoying their music and fellowship. Besides the fact that I had a lot of things to put away and clean up before finishing up my Christmas decorations.
I finished the porch this morning and the wind was whipping in all directions, luckily is was the upper 40's so it wasn't too cold. I have the pictures taken for daytime viewing so tonight I will snap a few pics of the night view and post those tomorrow but for today I will share some of the other decorations.
I am sorry that the close up view was a little blurry...are my hands shaking?? lol It is similar to last year when I made the socks. You may have notices the fireplace is not lit but it will be shortly (with bulbs that is) I will take a few pictures once that is done too.
To the right is my dd piano...these are the decorations.
All the windows have wreaths...
Now I know what you are do you have sparkly with prim decorations...I don't know but I love the mix and match at Christmas and I love the glitter feel of the room so..go figure!
The wreaths I have had and I put them up each year. sometimes outside sometimes inside. I saw that the White House has them on the inside and from then I put my inside too. The decorations on the wreaths switch each year. This year I used what I had on hand to glam them up!
The tree beside my stitching chair usually has my vintage ornaments on it but this year my dd wanted to use glass balls with glitter that I found on clearance last year so...I think it is so pretty.
I did splurge on two new glam pillows. I found them at Home Goods in Columbus and I thought a long time about whether to pick them up or not but in the end I thought I could leave them out all winter and since they are white they could go almost anywhere so I brought them home.
Tomorrow I will post more pictures we are not even half way around the room yet! I will visit later.
idea-ology Vault Paper Release
4 hours ago