Yes, Fall is a time of work. I put most of my outside things away but I still have not decorated the porch....My plan is to do it this week while the weather is nice. It is suppose to rain tomorrow and then I will have a couple of days to work on it.
I have been working on my home...getting ready for Thanksgiving. This may be one of the best ever...my DH got a job yesterday. He starts the first week of December and we will have insurance in about 70 days. I am so thankful...I truly am and I will not forget those who are still hunting for a job!!! My prayers will still be with them.
I have started to decorate for the holidays ahead. My back porch will remain fall until after Thanksgiving but the rest of the house I will have decorated for Christmas. Then I will sit back and enjoy the season with my girls and when it get closer I will Christmas shop.
I had great plans for decorating today but my asthma got in the way...my inhaler has not been doing the job so I had to visit the doctor...it was very expensive since we no longer have insurance. I will have to rest for now until I can breathe a little better...hopefully tomorrow I can get busy.
I have been moving furniture...and moving furniture and..well, you get the picture..this is no fun but things are getting better.
I do not think I can put up the big tree until after Thanksgiving because we need the table in the living room but then I will drag everything out and ect.
I will start showing you pictures as I go along. I bought some things in order to make a Christmas wreathe on my french doors...I will show the progress of it too.
I sure miss my parents now that they are in Florida for the winter. I have spent the summer trying to help them with doctor appointments and such...I think it is quiet now that they are gone...
Well...I will be reading your blogs and stop back for my Christmas decorating...that begins tomorrow. Be blessed...we surly are.
Hooray on hubby getting a job!! Awesome!! Can't wait to see pics of your decorating. :)
So glad to hear your husband got a job! Hope your feeling better. I will look forward to some picturs of your decorating! My husband is working in Ohio right now and he says it certainly is pretty this time of year...Hugs, michelle
Wonderful news....your hubbys job and insurance!!! Hope you are feeling better....stop by for a visit soon. :)
Oh I hope that your asthma gets under better control. With moving stuff maybe use a mast to keep the dust down from you lungs. It always bites me when I work and that does help some. Maybe even a humidifier to knock it out of the air.
So wonderful to hear of the new employment ya!!!!!!
I look forward to your pictures. Your inspiring me to get to decorating.
I meant to say mask
That is WONDERFUL news about your DH!!!! Congrats :o) Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving in store for your family.
Take it easy.
Wonderful news about your hubby and good news about having insurance too. Take care...try not to over do....hugs, Linda
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