I have an area that used to have 12 large trees. When they died a few years ago I decided that I would throw down some wild flower seeeds and see what happened. It has been about 5 years now and I have never replanted. After all the flowers are done blooming I mow them off until next spring.

This is one of the ferns that I purchased at our local nursery. It has really grown even though our weather is still very cool. My daughter does not want me to hang the ferns in the middle of the of porch because it blocks her view when she is sitting on the porch swing...but it is where they look the best.
We have been working on our rental properties the last few weeks. You would not believe the amount of trash we have hauled from around the outside of our apartments. Yesterday we finally finished one of the apartments that we have been working on since last year. All new kitchen cabnets, new paint, new carpeting and the list goes on. I am so thankful to be done with it...and now on to the next one...we have been painting there and major cleaning too. My dh is putting on a new tub surround to finish off the bathroom. The carpet layers are suppose to be there is week too. Today I need to buy two more gallons of paint but I just hate to spend my gas money going to the next town when my daughter will be there is evening and could pick it up for me...saving me 60 miles worth of gas...but if I don't go I can't paint until tomorrow.....I am hoping to have this apartment completely done next week...that might be wishful thinking but that is what I am shooting for. Enjoy our day.
I have been saving my coffee grounds to add to the soil of my fern...I heard they really like it. We'll see...
Love your wildflowers..very nice!
I so love those purple wildflowers and your eclectic mix. I've been thinking for years that I'd love to plant some along our fence line. {Good thing that I waited as the fence itself was replaced at the end of last year.}
You've been as busy as I have been. I hope you find some time to enjoy that new porch swing and those lovely flowers soon. Hugs.
You have some very pretty flowers!!
The purple ones are very cool :)
The wild flower border is beautiful. Something nice to look forward to each Spring. Hugs, Linda
Your wild flowers are just beautiful! My mum always had ferns hanging around everywhere when I was growing up too. Great job you did putting that gorgeous swing together sweetie! Hope you have a really lovely and relaxing weekend Dianntha!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
I loved seeing your pretty flowers! Your fern is so big and healthy, it must like it there on your porch! I just moved mine from my bedroom to my back porch, so we'll have to see how it does.
The wild flowers look lovely, they are some of my fav flowers. I must say the sentence containing 'sitting on the front porch', just makes me wish our uk houses had them! It just sounds so relaxing, and cozy, it brings up lovely images of warm hazy days *sigh*
Enjoy your weekend
Priscilla x
Hi Dianntha, hope all is well. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Linda
Hey Dianntha: I hope you were able to finish up at your rental properties. Sounds like you and hubby were working pretty hard. Don't forget to take some time to smell the flowers.....
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