Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Taking the fence down

Today I decided it was time to work on taking down our fence. When they were trimming the trees some of the branches fell on top of the fence and can see what kind of mess we had. So today I worked on taking down all the old parts except the posts. We have new sections to go up so I thought why not. It didn't really take that long.. a few hours and then I dug out all the shrubs because I decided to completely revamp my flower bed.
I also am posting pics of the trees after their hair cut and then a large pile of all the branches...what a fire that will be.
It was beautiful outside and I spent all day working on the back area. As soon as I am done here I am taking a book and heading to the porch to enjoy this evening of peace and quiet. With everyone gone I can get caught up on my reading...I am a chapter behind right now. Hope you are having an enjoyable evening!
Bother...I can't get the pics to load...I will try again tomorrow.


Rosie's Whimsy said...

Hope the pictures work tomorrow. I am sure tired just reading everything you've been up to these past days!

:-) Rosie

Meggie said...

What energetic men you have in your life. A bucket truck...what fun! If they need anymore practice when they're finished at your place, just send them a bit eastward to! Can't wait to see pics of your new fence and garden area.