My dad bought a bucket truck and now believes he is a tree trimmer! He has spent the last two days trimming all the trees at my house. I wasn't too wild about it to begin with but now that I am use to seeing them trimmed I guess they look okay. They will look better in about two years...LOL.
When my dh got home from work he climbed into the bucket truck and had his turn an trimming too...men!
There are some places that do look much better...we had two overgrown shrubs..and we know what HGTV says about that...so out they came. When I came home they were gone and boy did it look better without them. Yesterday Dad trimmed for about 3 hrs and then dh trimmed for another 2. My mom and two of the girls and I loaded the trailer and unloaded the trailer the entire time. It sure is a good way to burn calories!
I will post a picture of all the brush we carried...it really was alot of work.
But since it is late I will just post two...one of my dad trimming and the other of my dh. I know they aren't the best pics but you get the idea!
So much to tell you and so many pics to share, I will post more tomorrow!
I think it is suppose to rain tomorrow so I will have more time to share.
How wonderful that you have access to some DIY'ers. Tree trimming is expensive, if you've a lot of overgrown trees, as we do on our little acre. My thoughts have been turning towards outdoor landscaping as well, but unfortunately that project will be put on hold for awhile while we are still addressing our home's maintenance.
Thank you for replying to my comment here and visiting with me, Dianntha. I didn't realize that we're practically neighbors! I'm in Marion! Perhaps, one day, we could meet up for refreshments or a light lunch.
I noticed you like country items and like to sew. Have you been to The Good Wives Co. on Williamsport Road? They offer a nice selection of homespuns and country-themed fabrics. Let me know if you'd like more info... there's a link to email me directly on my blog.
Oh is tree trimming ever expensive. We had our trees trimmed just a week ago. If you get a few minutes stop by and see how mine look. Every year we have some kind of argument....(I'm going to say all out war) about trimming! Men and trees - what is it???
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