Hello Dear Friends,.
I thought I would share my walk with you. This is from yesterday and I was enjoying a cool breeze and the warm sunshine. There was a quietness in the air that made me send prayers of thanksgiving. I am so very thankful for all the blessings that I have been given. My family is such a joy. Each of my children so different but with good, kind hearts. A hubby who is kind and gentle and such a hard worker. And I sent prayers of thanksgiving for each of them.
Our tree out front was showing it's glory and I just had to share a picture and I wish I could share the smell of those wonderful blossoms, it was magnificent! I have been enjoying it each day as I walk by and I smile at the beauty of the spring.
On Saturday my sister and my daughter and I went to a sale and I found this beautiful silver sugar bowl and I knew I could not pass it up.
I wanted to show you the size so I put out another piece that I own just for that purpose. Isn't she lovely?
I must tell you dear friends, I have been so busy working on so many projects and so much I want to share but the time is not right just yet. But I can tell you, I do not like to paint and for the last two weeks I have had a brush in my hand too often. Tomorrow I am painting again, but I will take a few pictures and share them this time.
Until we meet again, be blessed!