Saturday, May 2, 2009

bleeding heart looks great

Today we went to a craft show and there were many crafters set up but there were not many shoppers and very few were buying.
To tell you the truth, I only bought two things and one was a mothers day gift. There were not the wonderful things that I find on blogs so I passed them up until I see just what I am looking for.
The show in October is usually fabulous so I guess I will wait. There were many garden deocorations but I really don't need too many more of those and the ones that I did like were pretty expensive so I passed them up.
I did want to show you a pic of my bleeding heart. I planted it last fall and I was surprised that it survived...I am pleased. See you next time, be blessed.

1 comment:

Meggie said...

So glad your bleeding heart made it thru the winter. On my trip to Altoona on Wednesday, I saw a white bleeding heart...I didn't know there was such a thing!