Do you remember last fall when I started to lay the sidewalk for me garden building? Well, I never was happy with how it turned out so yesterday I decided to dig it out and start again. My dh ran the rotatiller in a path so I could dig out the dirt. I went out early and decided that I was going to see what I could do myself... I think it is looking much better. I ran out of pavers since I moved the curve out so I will have to go back to Lowes this weekend.
You can see that the pond is a 125 gallon plastic but it is pretty deep. This is where we think it should go. Once the digging starts we aren't changing our minds!
The ground is still soft from all the rain so I am hoping that the digging goes easy for us. Dan is at work but he will be happy we did this without him. LOL
We are starting out dig. Of course when you dig anything there are always way too many stones. We did find some broken pieces of crocks too. The girls really didn't complain. We took the dirt around front and filled in when the county put a new tile across our front yard. I think we were getting a cardio say the least.
After 2 hours of digging ...ta fits. If we only had the sand to fill in the bottom and the sides. But that will be for another day.