I stopped by the Craft Gallery in Findlay, Ohio and well, they have so many interesting treasures. I know when I go there that I will have to pick and choose what I want. She had many Halloween designs stitched and on display but this one caught my eye. I loved the flag. They had this complete set done but I am stitching them seperatly because I didn't care for a couple of the images. I do not like the waves or the desert home....sorry just my personal taste. I am framing them individually so I can seperate them. I am almost done just have to finish the clouds. Then I will start house number two.
I also went shopping at "basemart". lol My sister has a room in her basement that we call basemart and she has the best stuff in there and she was getting rid of some items so I hurried on over and wait till you see what I picked up. It was too dark to take a picture and then too rainy so I will share that another day!! Hope all is well with all of you...see you soon, until then be blessed.