For those of you who have a Country Sampler magazine this picture in on page 67 of the September issue. If you don't have one then I wanted the rest of you to see the pictue that was my inspiration. When I saw this back porch with a cabinet similar to one I already owned, I knew that I was going to try to mimic the feel of the picture. I do not collect old scales (nor do I want to) but I had plenty of other items that I could use. So I wanted to share the before and after picture. I had many distractions yesterday but by the end of the day...I am mostly done.
I had this little white cabinet on the porch that dh had purchased at an aution. I liked it so I painted it and placed it right outside out kitchen door. When I took the picture I had started to take everything off so you don't get to see it exactly as it was but I wanted to you see what the change was going to be like. I am taking this cacinet to my garden shed to be used there. I had alot of work to do to make my back porch look more like this magazine.

This is what my porch now looks like. I had a cabinet in a different room that I moved to the back porch. I searched my house and basement for item to put inside and for the most part I think it is done. Well, I didn't hang anything on the door of the cabinet just yet but I am still deciding what I want there. So What do you thing? I was trying to get the feeling of the picture...not to match it. How so you think I did?