This is a picture of my dh garden...he is so proud of our fresh produce and this is what he does to relax!

I know it is a little hard to see but our gourds are climbing up our evergreen tree...it is so awesome!...Maybe I need to take a new picture.

This year we decided to have a large pumpkin patch...I love to decorate with pumpkins. We have two varieties of white...and we have about 4 varieties of orange...some of them are quite large already! To the right you can see we do have a second row of pumpkins growing. We also have different gourds growing on the ends of each row!
WOW! What an amazing garden! How do you keep it all watered? Do you have a system or does God just keep it wet for you?
Isn't it amazing how far pumpkins and goards can reach out?
Jody...it really is too far from the house to water so God provides what we can't carry!
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