Friday, March 11, 2016

All Things wedding!

  With my daughters wedding fast approaching I thought I would share a bouquet I am working on for the rehearsal. I asked all our family and friends to find a broach they would like to be included into her bouquet and then I began.
I knew I did not want it to be just broaches but flower to soften the look. The one on the far right was my Mom's that I was so happy to include.
I was thrilled to find a Bride pin to set off the front.
I added pearls, which are one of her favorites and some vintage necklaces to dangle in front. I know it is difficult to see but maybe I can try to get one when she is holding it!  I am pretty happy with it, we now have less than 100 is coming quickly.

1 comment:

Gumbo Lily said...

This is so pretty! What fun you'll have with wedding plans!
Congrats to everyone.