Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Always welcome at the back door!

  As I was taking the dog outside I thought that I had not shared my back or front door so far this season. This is as you enter the back door. I thought I was going to hang 3 large balls at the left corner but I love how simple and charming this is so I left it bee. I hope it lasts most of the winter!
  The sun is shining and we have about 40 degrees today. You can see a little of the blue sky in the top right of the picture.
   As I was crafting this morning I had that overwhelming pull at my heart. My Mom was a crafter and today we would have been together laughing and talking and enjoying our time together. I had to take a short break to wipe the tears...I miss her so much.
  I am working on a few more Christmas crafts but our Christmas is this Sunday so I can't share the pictures just yet but I have more rooms of my home to show you and  the front porch as well.
  I want to take a few at dusk too so tomorrow I will be back with a few more pictures to share!
  Enjoy the season...........

1 comment:

Primitive Stars said...

How beautiful the door looks with the it......We have lots of snow today, shoveled the walk twice already.......So sad I feel for you, can't imagine the pain of missing a Mother........Blessings Francine.