Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hutch In Progress with Chalk Paint

Today I started painting another piece of furniture I thought I was done with painting furniture and had planned on finishing with a few touch-ups today. But as you can see, I am once again painting my last piece of furniture. I have decided to leave the back of the hutch the original wood and just paint the shelves and the outside shell. I forgot to take a before but I did remember before I had it all painted. This is the top of the hutch. I did paint the first coat with home made chalk paint but to tell you the truth, I do not like all the sanding so  after I sanded it down I started the second coat with regular satin latex. I think I will be happier with it. I am hoping to finish it tomorrow and then I will show another picture.
And this is the bottom even though I had removed the drawers but at least you get the idea of what I am working on.
  I had finished a china cabinet a few days ago but of course I stepped on one of the shelves and shattered the shelf. So dh went today and had new glass cut. After he installed the new glass we placed the top on the bottom and now of course I can not find the screws so tomorrow I go back to the hardware and see if I can get some that fit! But for least I am started!!!!

1 comment:

Primitive Stars said...

Morning, wow, that will be beautiful, Francine.