Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Birthday Gift is Fall Inspiration Challenge!

Well, I am having a Fall decorating inspiration...challenge. This is the chair and foot stool that I received for my birthday.

I love them...but how in the world am I going to make them fit into my almost all white living room??
Now I have a lot of of color in my room.

Especially now in the fall and in winter. 

I must tell you...I love so many of these decorations...but you can see most of the color is not in the furniture. But I do have an idea...I do have a red cabinet in my shed. Do I dare bring that much color into my white room??? I am debating that..should I bring in a red cabinet and replace the sellers cabinet with a red cabinet and but the chair where the love seat is now??? After the holidays I have a small room that I am going to create a haven for the chair and the move furniture around or leave it? I am not sure...any ideas?


Joy said...

How about some red pillows on the sofa for now? Lovely chair.

ohiofarmgirl said...

Joy, I think that is a good idea!! I am not sure if I should move the red cabinet inside or not...think...think...think...

Betsy's Basket Blog said...

I LOVE the chair. Send it to me ... then you won't need to worry about it!!

marly said...

Whatever makes you comfortable! Try the red cabinet. Or throw a multicolor or red patterned throw or quilt over the sofa. That fabric is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I am a sucker for red! But I love your white cellars cabinet. Tough decision!