Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thank you...and Spring Cleaning

  First, I would like to thank all of you who are joining me in prayer for my Mother. I am blessed to have sisters in Christ share this prayer time with me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
  When I am stressed I often spend time cleaning to burn away that extra energy. This is my foyer and I decided to tackle it. I had left up my garland and red and silver glass ornaments for Valentines day so down they came and cleaning commenced!!
With that done I have 12 rooms to go...but for today I am headed out to church for some nourishing of the soul. Be blessed


Heidi said...

Love your foyer. A Windsor chair with a quilt make any space look great. What a beautiful staircase you have!

I am sorry to read that your mother is not well. I hope the tests tell her more next week and they can help her to feel better soon. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Hugs from Holland ~

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

And as your soul is nourished, so shall your mind be made peaceful. Let go. Let God.
I am continuing in prayer for your dear mother, as well as several others who are needing extra prayer.
May this week bring good news and a truly peaceful mind.
Big hugs.

Linda said...

Dear Dianntha, I'm so sorry to learn your mom is not well...yes, I will pray for her and you too. May knowing others have you in their thoughts bring you some comfort. I do the same thing as and puttering takes my mind away when I'm worried or stressed...I hope there is good news for you soon....hugs, Linda

p.s. Your staircase is so pretty and what a gorgeous window...L

Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Beautiful stairway!
The big homes ~ so worth the cleaning~ I can't imagine having a small home~ so used to all the room!
smiles, and have fun burning of the energy!
prayers for your mother