Monday, October 15, 2007

This and That

I was too busy this morning to finish my post so I thought that I would post again. First, I would like to say Happy birthday to Bittersweetpunkin! I hope you had a wonderful day...please do tell! And I also wanted to thank her for nominating me for a Make Me Smile Award. You made my day. I will be nominating others too.
Today is my birthday and I have been taking it nice and easy. I walked this morning, I worked outside since it is so warm and breezy, I went out to eat with my two youngest daughters. My mother brought over a birthday cake a little while ago and my hubby is cooking supper before the girls are off to church. I'm having a wonderful day... if the picture comes through...I wanted to post a picture of our outdoor room...all ready for fall. I am really enjoying the weather and this is a nice spot to read a book or just relax....I sit here often!


Meggie said...

Dianntha: Belated Happy Birthday...hope you had a great day. Wishing you many more years of happiness.

Donetta said...

Oh "So glad you were born"
I celebrate your life!
I think only a day or two more and I should be up and running. How sweet of you to think to help me pick up.
Thank you Sweet heart. I got the camping trip up.

BittersweetPunkin said...

Happy Birthday to YOU!!!!..and thank you very much!
My birthday was very lay-low and I was surrounded by my DH and kids...thats all I need....that and cake!!

Donetta said...

Come visit me. I have something for you ,your friendly soul you.:)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little garden nook. :)